How to get ringtones/pictures onto/off a flipshot (sch-u900)
(see comments for alternate methods!!!)
1) buy a data cable:
Total: $12.74 shipped
2) plug the phone into your pc and install the drivers from the cd (don't run the installer program, just let windows do the driver work)
3) go to your favoite torrent site, download and install QPST
4) go to the qpst folder and start -> qpst configuration
click the ports tab and add all ports until one shows up with the phone
you can now see all the crap in your phone!
6) add ringtones by dragging them into /brew/mod/mr (then restart phone)
copy pictures from /brew/mod/108
(from Mark_Venture on
"""In Phone's memory....
Pictures are stored in /brew/mod/10888
Ringtones are stored in /brew/mod/mr
Videos are stored in /brew/mod/10890
Sounds (non-ringtones) are stored in /brew/mod/18067
Like the U620, you can just add .MID or .MP3 files to the /brew/mod/MR folder, restart the phone, and use them as ring tones."""