UPDATE: See comments below for information on a possible replacement
[10/2012 I'm trying to find the original pictures. Will dig through my old hard drive soon...]
I'm a bit of a piano player and I own a Clavinova, but the lousy keys on it keep sticking. Rather than paying ridiculous amounts of money to Yamaha for a tech/parts - I figured out how to fix it with Krazy Glue. I had to fix a few more keys recently (I'm up to 5) so I snapped some pics of the repair process.
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for your screwups.
1) Unplug the power. Remove the 3 screws from the back
2) Pull Lid Forward then Upward to remove
3) Remove guards from the keybed cover track, then take it out. Once you get the top part out you'll have to turn the bottom half cockeyed to get it out - don't put any pressure on it!
4) Remove the screws holding the button board in place I believe there are two on either end and 3 in the middle
5) Remove the screws holding the key assembly in place, then push it back as far as you can to give yourself some room to work with in the front
6) Remove keys by prying gently underneath the back, once the key pops loose slide it forward and it should lift out.
7) If your key does this, it's time to fix it! (look for hairline cracks, etc.) If it's missing a chunk check where the empty key space is to see if it fell in there.
8) What I like to do is break off the trouble piece, then superglue it back at an angle (see below). I've also seen people get a small tack red hot and shove each of the pieces back into one another.
You may also want to buy some grease to lubricate - I never did this beacuse I'm lazy and my keys work well enough.
Breaking the trouble piece off
How I glue it back (top view):
9) Glue the key and let it set for a few minutes.
10) Replace key by hooking the front first and pushing the back. If it looks like an erection when you're finished you didn't hook the front well enough. Test the key. If it works, Reassemble the rest of it.
Random thoughts:
I had one key that still stuck even after rebreaking and resetting it. I decided to swap it out with the same key in the highest octave. After moving it to a different spot it worked fine - may be the lack of grease or technical knowledge on my part. Don't be afraid to play with it.
Also, of the 5 keys I've fixed 3 have been E's, 1 was a G and the other was a B. Does yamaha have a vendetta against E minor?
Finished product.