January 23, 2008

Samsung FlipShot (Part 2!)

How to get ringtones/pictures onto/off a flipshot (sch-u900)
(see comments for alternate methods!!!)

1) buy a data cable:
Total: $12.74 shipped
2) plug the phone into your pc and install the drivers from the cd (don't run the installer program, just let windows do the driver work)
3) go to your favoite torrent site, download and install QPST
4) go to the qpst folder and start -> qpst configuration
click the ports tab and add all ports until one shows up with the phone
5) go back to the qpst and run -> EFS explorer
you can now see all the crap in your phone!
6) add ringtones by dragging them into /brew/mod/mr (then restart phone)
copy pictures from

(from Mark_Venture on howardforums.com)
"""In Phone's memory....
Pictures are stored in /brew/mod/10888
Ringtones are stored in /brew/mod/mr
Videos are stored in /brew/mod/10890
Sounds (non-ringtones) are stored in /brew/mod/18067

Like the U620, you can just add .MID or .MP3 files to the /brew/mod/MR folder, restart the phone, and use them as ring tones."""


King B said...

I cant get QPST to find my phone. I have a smamsung usb cable, but it didnt come woth a driver.

James H. said...

you can get the drivers by installing this...


King B said...

Ok I have the program, but when I plug in the cable and do card to card it still tries to find a driver. And QPSt dosent see any ports??

King B said...

QPST still says Ports not available.

James H. said...

I never ran into this during my install... try using a different usb port

Anonymous said...

You all are wasting your time on cables and programs u need no cable and no software to get ringtones to the flipshot if you have service all you have to do is create a folder on a micro sd card called my sounds and name it just like this MY_SOUNDS then put whatever files up to a 25 or 30 second clip into that folder i use mp3 to ringtone gold to make my ringtones then once in there put the memory card back in the phone and you'll notice that the my sounds folder now has whatever you put on the card in there also in the phone that folder is already there and isnt typed the way you created it on the card it dosent matter in fact im not positive it absolutely has to be that way on the card either it just works that way gauranteed anyway you all know you dont have the option from my sounds to set the file as a ringtone however as long as you didnt exceed the file size and the file is a format the phone supports like mp3 i use all mp3's you do tho have the option to send files that are in the my sounds folder to another phone/person what most people fail to realize is that on the flipshot and on united states verizon wireless service which is what i have you do have the option to send the message including the sound to your own phone number and it comes in just as if someone else sent it to you the click options inside the message and save as ringtone and ur done a lot to explain but a very simple process i have checked it many times and with many ringtones IT WORKS ! what you will need: 1.A MICRO SD CARD 2.A CARD READER THAT CAN READ UP TO AT LEAST 2GB (MOST NEW ONES DO) OBVIOUSLY THE PHONE AND THE ADAPTER THAT USUALLY COMES WITH MICRO SD CARDS TO MAKE IT AN SD/MMC SIZE GOOD LUCK PEOPLE I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BE CONTACTED SO HOPE YOU GUYS CAN DO IT.

James H. said...

I would like to thank Jack Kerouac for his previous post.

Unknown said...

Hello Guys,

QPST worked fine for me after using Verizon Sync drivers. Ringtones and wallpaper are workin fine. Does anyone know where the GAMES/ folder is??? I have a ton of Java games and I was wondering if they would work on this.

Take Care & Thanks

James H. said...

Not sure about the games. I guess you could look at your directories, dl a game, and then see what changed.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to upload games as well? Anybody figure this out yet?


Anonymous said...

I tried the "edit the song to less than 30 seconds, save it to the My Sounds folder, send it to myself and save/set as ringtone" bit and it DOES NOT WORK. Not only does it not work, you are forced to delete the original file before you select the "Save as ringtone" option (otherwise you get a message like "file already exists" and are denied save option). I do not have the cable to try the other method listed (got the phone just this week). I would sure feel better if I had reasonable assurance that further investment in a cable (I would otherwise never use) would let me get a ringtone downloaded to this bad boy.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I take back the "IT DOES NOT WORK" comment regarding the "send it to yourself" method. It DOES IN FACT WORK! There was, however, a bit of info missing from an otherwise excellent post; You have to make sure you are saving the message as a ringtone to your PHONE not your CARD. To do this you must access option 5 Settings and Tools. Then selece option 9. Memory. Then select option 1. Save Options. Select option 3. Sounds. make sure that Phone Memory is highlighted and click OK. Now when you save it as a ringtone it will play as advertised.

Note: you may want to change that setting back to CARD, especially if you record a lot. This will prevent the internal memory from "maxing out" and make sound transfer to/from your PC easier!

Anonymous said...

is QPST really safe?
i'm reading all these it could destroy your phone permanently, etc...

Anonymous said...

does it work with QPST 2.7? or latest version?

James H. said...

I've never had any problems with QPST. Make sure you use compatable file types and keep the sizes of your files low and I don't think you should run into any issues - that being said I'm sure shit still happens.

I used version 2.7 on my phone.

Anonymous said...

SUCCESS! After deciphering Jack Kerouac (Anonymous) above, and with help from baddad, I felt compelled to summarize. Hopefully this will save someone from searching the internet for hours and trying multiple downloaders to no avail, as I have.

There is a way to get ringtones to the Samsung Flipshot SCH-U900 without a data cable. You must have a microSD card to use, but only temporarily for the transfer process.

To put it simply:
1. Encode your audio clip to mp3 format.
2. Create a directory on the root of the microSD card named "MY_SOUNDS" (no quotes).
3. Copy your mp3 file to the MY_SOUNDS directory on the card.
4. Insert the microSD card into the Flipshot.
5. On your phone, select "Get It Now", then "Music & Tones", then "My Sounds".
6. You should see the name of your file. Use the arrow keys to highlight it.
7. Select "Options" and then "Send".
8. Send the message to your OWN phone number.
9. When you receive your own message, open it, and use the option "Save as Ringtone". Make sure your phone is set to save on the phone's memory.
10. Navigate to the Sounds Settings and change a ringtone. You should see the filename in the list now.
11. When this is complete, you can remove the microSD card, as it is no longer needed.

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting the memory card trick for the ringtones :) very helpful

Anonymous said...

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
Amazing advice!